A review by ladyarwen
Mean Free Path by Ben Lerner

Experimental language poetry… oh boy. There are lots of little surprises if you pay close attention (be careful about getting too close… you could spend days untangling all of the references). The titular poem is essentially a bunch of word puzzles filled with repetition, abstraction, imagery, references to optics and physics, dropped predicates and “

(Frustrating open quotation marks that never get filled or closed)

With so many started thoughts and discussions without conclusion, the author is deliberately struggling to tell us something, and in fact this struggle is the subject of the poem.

Mean free path is a well-known concept in physics- how far can a particle go, on average, before interacting. Here, the title refers to the mean free path of words. Lerner is showing us the difficulties of communication with language, the misunderstandings that arise, the double entendres, etc. What is the mean free path of words? How far do they have to go, on average, before they make any sense? How much of a sentence do you need to convey a thought? Exactly how much does he have to tell you about something to not tell you anything while getting you to a point where you feel like with one more word you could surmise a meaning in this mess of words.

Maybe I just think this to feel better about not understanding what was said.