A review by mbenzz
Perfect Little Children by Sophie Hannah


"No matter what I tell Dom, nothing will be good enough for me unless and until I have all the answers I need."

And herein lies the problem for me with this ENTIRE book. Even though Lewis is the bad guy (not a spoiler, you can see it a mile away), I absolutely Could. Not. Stand. Beth.

The entire plot is a study in ridiculous over-the-top nosy behavior. Most thrillers give the protagonist something sinister to start with. A reason they believe the person(s) of interest may be in actual danger. Beth? Beth just witnesses something peculiar...her old best friend with two children that have the same names and are the same ages they were 12 years ago.

Is that weird? ABSOLUTELY. Would I be like, WTF?! You betcha'! Would I then start stalking the neighborhood knocking on doors and talking to people, going to her children's school, and trying to trick the front desk into giving me information about my old friend and her kids?


Would I stalk all of their social media pages and....well, yes. I'd probably do that. But THAT'S IT! No sitting in school parking lots taking pictures like a nut-job!

My problem with Beth all along was that NONE OF IT was any of her damn business!! Yes, she ended up being vindicated in the end when Lewis turned out to be a psycho, but the whole path to that point made HER look like the crazy stalker! Sitting in another woman's car waiting for her to return so she'd be forced to talk to her...showing up at her parents' house uninvited...and the grand psycho-doozie of them all, flying to Florida from England to question Lewis and Flora in person,

My husband would have had me committed before I ever set foot on the plane.

I just could not wrap around my head WHY Beth felt she was entitled to have every single one of her questions answered by these people she hadn't spoken to in 12 years. Why she honestly thought any of it was her business. Even she doesn't have a reason other than, "Because I want to know, so I'm never going to stop until I know." Um, excuse me? Who the hell does this chick think she is??

In the end, this story was just too convoluted and ridiculous for me to enjoy. I gave it two stars instead of one because I DID read it through to the end (though I wish I hadn't) instead of DNF'ing it, but what a load of crap. I will never read anything from this author again.