A review by civilgurl83
Little Owl's Day by Divya Srinivasan


"A sequel to Little Owl's Night, this book follows a little owl who couldn't sleep anymore. He was surprised to find that when he awoke it was daytime and it was so much different than when he is typically awake at night. There were new friends awake, enjoying their day and he learns how they typically spend their day. Finally he sees his friend bear from the first book and exclaims to him that Bear is typically asleep when he wants to show him the moon and bear responds that little owl is typically asleep when he wants to show him a rainbow. In the end, both friends get to show each other new things that they love.

Both of my kids just love this book and the book before. The illustrations are bright, colorful, and fairly simple. They love seeing each of the animals that little owl visits and how the new forest animals start to wake up as the sun begins to set. I did enjoy the first reading of this story, however it's not one of my favorites in rotation. It's at least fairly short and has lots of fun pictures with a few small details that you can ask your kids to find on each page. "