A review by robinkela
Innocent Blood by P.D. James


Wow...I really could not wait for this book to end and had to force myself to finish it. I can't deny that idea is interesting and the writing is fine (clearly not my style, though), but I was just so incredibly bored throughout this whole book. Maybe this is the millennial in me, but I have no patience for a crime novel where no sort of "crime" happens until the last 20 pages of the novel. Quite a few people here seem to think this book is great, so maybe I'm a minority here.

I picked up the Trilogy of Death which contains Death of an Expert Witness, Innocent Blood, and The Skull Beneath the Skin. I have read the first two, and wasn't a fan of Death of an Expert Witness either....although I did find it slightly more engaging than Innocent Blood. Against my better judgment, I forced my way through Innocent Blood and only felt relief when I was finally finished. Needless to say, I will not be continuing on with the third installment of this compilation.