A review by gerireads
One Night with a Billionaire by Jessica Clare


4.5 stars!

Fans of this series have been waiting for Cade Archer's story for a while now, and expectations are high. At the beginning of One Night with a Billionaire, Cade Archer is fast losing patience with Daphne Petty constantly pushing him away while she self destructs. But he wasn't willing to give up on her yet. Giving in once again to her demands, Cade Archer found herself backstage during one of her concerts.

That night he meets Kylie Daniels. And despite the complicated situation, Cade found himself being drawn to the vibrant young woman who is the opposite of Daphne in every way. Cade found himself charmed and insanely attracted to Kylie. Due to circumstances, Kylie and Cade found themselves indulging in one crazy night of passion, one that Cade was willing to recreate over and over again. That meeting with Kylie changes things for Cade and he realized he found something good in Kylie. Something that he was willing to fight for.

Kylie Daniels didn't plan to sleep with her boss' ex. She needed her job (Daphne's make-up artist) to pay for her Nana's crippling medical care. Prior to getting the job as Daphne's make-up artist, she was months behind her payments with no money to her name and crashing on her friend's couch. She was desperate. She just barely survived her previous relationship and pursuing a relationship with Cade will destroy not only her career and her self-esteem. It's important for readers to remember this because it explains a lot about Kylie's motivation throughout the book.

Because of Daphne's complicated relationship with Cade, I thought it was understandable that she's going to be in this book. It would have been disingenuous on the author's part if she ignores the Daphne connection altogether. On the other hand, it won't be much of a romance story if Cade's history with her gets more page time than Cade's story with Kylie. I'm happy to say that Jessica Clare handled this aspect very well. Yes, Daphne is in this book but she's nowhere near the center of Cade and Kylie's relationship. She did complicate Cade's relationship with Kylie by virtue of her being Kylie's boss but she was never in the running for Cade's affection in any away.

But that is not to say, Kylie and Cade had an easy time. Kylie had to deal with her guilt about her Nana and her guilt about her relationship with Cade. She had so much to lose, much more than Cade ever would, once their relationship would come to light. Her fears were justified in my opinion and I found myself rooting for her.

Cade is every bit as wonderful as in the previous books in the series. I'm glad it didn't take him the whole book to figure things out. Once he decided it was Kylie, he was there pursuing her. And oh my Lord, that man knows to romance a woman. He was sweet and very persuasive. He's not above using his wealth and influence to win over Kylie either. This normally would have annoyed me but seriously, this man can persuade me anytime and I'm there.

And can I say something about the sexy times these two indulged in, in this book because these two burned up the sheets with their chemistry. Because they were keeping their relationship on the down low, their trysts became even hotter and more illicit. I found myself blushing at some of the sexy scenes in this book because they are so deliciously wicked.

The only thing that I really didn't like was the constant reminder by Kylie about her weight. Yes, she's a big girl and no, I don't need to read about it every other page. I'm exaggerating but it was an irritation. It wasn't enough to stop me from enjoying this book obviously, but I could have done without the constant reminders.

I know readers are tired of the billionaire trope but if there's a billionaire book you should pick up and read right now, I would wholeheartedly recommend this series. The stories are incredibly well written, fun and wickedly sexy. This book made me smile, got me hot and bothered and most importantly, it gave me a satisfying HEA.

ARC courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review.

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