A review by gerireads
Second Wave Summer by Six de los Reyes, Jay E. Tria, Tara Frejas


When I saw the sign up for Second Wave Summer, I immediately jumped at the chance. One because I really enjoyed its predecessor Summer Crush. Second, I've read and enjoyed all three authors' books before. 

Second Wave Summer is a crossover sequel so to speak to Summer Crush, and even though they follow three new couples, it takes us back to the Summer Crush Music Festival in La Union. I've never been to La Union, but the authors did a wonderful job transporting me, the reader, there. From the festival vibe to the food and the music, Second Wave Summer gives you front-row seat to what a fun summer music festival would look and feel like.

The book introduces us to recurring characters from previous books by the same authors. Two of the stories, A Taste of Summer (Six de los Reyes) and Rushes (Tara Frejas) are essentially prequels while is a Ask Me Nicely (Jay E. Tria) is an extended epilogue of sorts for You Out of Nowhere couple Ringo & Kris. 

A Taste of Summer gives us the start of Michael Brian's story. I've been waiting for his story since I've met him in Feels Like Summer, and from the looks of it, his heroine is going to bring him to his knees. I really don't have a lot of things to say except that it's going to be hilarious to watch Michael Brian fall head over heels in love. And I CANNOT wait to read it.

The second story is Rushes by Tara Frejas. This is probably my personal fave among the three because I like the second chance at love trope. You know, the whole thing where the guy messes up the best thing he has in his life and regrets, and now he has to make things right again—these types of stories never fails to interest me. And Rushes is like that to me. Datu, bless his poor heart, is just a ball of angst, and yeah, I'm interested in where his story is going.

The third story is a bit different than the first two. If you've read You Out of Nowhere, then you'll be familiar with Kris and Ringo. Ask Me Nicely finds Kris and Ringo at the transitional period of their relationship from where it left off in You Out of Nowhere. I liked how Jay explored these two characters basically wanting the same thing but are having a hard time communicating those wants to each other.

Second Chance Summer is another great addition to the #romanceclass lineup, and I'm looking forward to reading more from these authors and these characters in the future. Whether you're a seasoned reader of #romanceclass books or just starting out, I think you can't go wrong with this one.

I voluntarily reviewed this ARC provided by the authors for a blog tour.