A review by jst1morechapter
Protector by Tressa Messenger


3.5 stars... hmmm

Where to start with this...

Pro's... I like the storyline which is what is compelling me to buy the next one, I really want to know what happens next as it left us on a bit of a cliffhanger... and I totally love Allessandro! He has to be my book crush of the week! And I do read a lot so that's most definitely saying something ha!

Con's... I'm not sure what it is about the writing but there's something not quite right... maybe it's the POV or something but it feels detached and I can't quite connect to how the characters are feeling because it's being described like an observation... Also it feels very stilted and overly structured like when you're writing a formal letter or dissertation... it needs to loosen up, to feel more personal using abbreviations and grammar.

Anyhoo sorry I went off on a tangent there but I hope you get my drift... the story line's a winner for me and if you're not the kind of person to get hung up on writing style I'd definitely give this a bash!