A review by bibliophile90
Mists of The Serengeti by Leylah Attar


**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


"Once in Africa, I kissed a king..."

This book has ruined me. When I read the blurb for the first time, I knew it would be a very heartbreaking and tear-jerking book. But you know me, I love books that are very emotional. Also Leylah Attar is one of my favorite authors, so I just had to read this book. She did such a phenomenal job with Mists of the Serengeti. The way she described everything, it was like I was actually in Africa living everything the characters were living. I was a part of them and felt every emotion as strongly as they did. When they cried I cried, when they laughed I laughed, when they were angry I was angry as well. I was completely in sync with them. This book was perfection.

"I want to take you like I hate you. Fiercely. Completely. Because you resurrected me, only to relinquish me."

It wasn't an easy book to read. So I highly recommend you to keep some tissues close by. This book wasn't only heartbreaking but very heartwarming as well. The characters were one for one very important to the story. They played an huge role in creating such an amazing story. I don't know how Leylah does it but she has magical writing skills. I was under her spell and couldn't put the book down. She took me on a beautiful and dangerous adventure and I didn't want it to end. She shed light on some horrific things that are happening in the world, and even though I was already aware of them, it still broke my heart to read about it. However I do think it is important to educate people on what is going on in certain places in the world, because knowledge is power and we are not alone on the planet and we should care about what happens to each other. I am sure that a lot of you won't be able to read certain scenes without shedding some tears and having your heart broken.

"I could spend forever in the corners of her mind and never get bored. I could kiss her lips every morning and still not learn all the flavors of her soul."

I love that the book was inspired by true events. I would not change anything about this book expect wish it never ended. I think it will be very difficult for any book to top this one in my favorite book of the year. It is already become one of my all time favorite, and it will always have a very special place in my heart. Visiting Tanzania is now on my bucket list and I hope I will be able to visit and experience that beautiful country. This book is perfect and I hope you guys will pick it up and go on a beautiful but also heartbreaking journey.