A review by booksforchristiangirls
Bad Connection by Melody Carlson


About this book:

“Meet Samantha McGregor
She seems like your average teen, but Samantha is unusually gifted. God gives her visions and dreams that offer unconventional glimpses into other people’s lives and problems. It’s a powerful gift with a lot of responsibility…
{Bad Connection: Book One}
Kayla Henderson lives on the edge. She likes to break the rules, considers partying an extracurricular activity, and can’t stand her parents. So, most people aren’t surprised when she goes missing. Like everyone else, Samantha McGregor assumes Kayla has run away. But then she has a vision where Kayla is tied up with duct tape over her mouth. Freaked by the image, Samantha wonders, Is Kayla alive or dead? Was the vision real or just a silly dream? Most important, can Kayla be found before it’s too late?”

Series: Book #1 (of four) in “The Secret Life of Samantha McGregor”.

Spiritual Content- All about Samantha’s gift of visions from God; Many, many, many Prayers; Bible reading; Many, many Scriptures are read, mentioned, quoted & remembered; Many, many Talks about God, gifts, trusting, having peace, God-things & the Holy Spirit; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Sam & Olivia are called religious freaks; Many, many, many mentions of prayers; Mentions of Bible reading; Mentions of Church, youth group & sermons; Mentions of Heaven & praising; Mentions of Christians; Christmas;
*Note: A couple mentions of New Age & being in cahoots with the devil; A couple mentions each of psychics, mediums, Ouija boards, crystal balls, horoscope chats & tarot cards; Mentions of evil.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘darn’, an ‘idiot’, a ‘screwup’, a ‘oh my gosh’, a form of ‘wimp’, two ‘crud’s, two ‘shut up’s, two ‘stinking’s, three ‘duh’s, eleven forms of ‘stupid’; Sarcasm & eye rolling; Mentions of curses (said, not written); A car accident & water (semi-detailed); Nightmares; Many mentions of drugs, dealers, highs, alcohol, drinking, jail, rehab; Mentions of meth & an officer who was killed on the job (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of murder, bruises, blood, strangulation, a dead girl, & being tied up with tape (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of bombs, knifes, & choking someone; Mentions of divorce; A couple mentions of a fake ID; A couple mentions of suicide; A mention of a slaughter; A mention of tobacco.

Sexual Content- Sam believes in saving herself for her future husband and mention of that pledge; Emma says that Kayla has slept with half the guys at school; Creeps & one saying he hasn’t hurt a certain girl; It’s hinted that Kayla was raped (no details); a ‘baby’, a ‘tramp’ and three ‘hot’s; Many, many mentions of dating, boys, who-likes-who, crushes, break-ups, boyfriends & girlfriends; Mentions of boy crazy girls; Mentions of a girl who doesn’t date; Mentions of flirting & hitting on girls; A couple mentions of kissing; A couple mentions of girls getting pregnant; A couple mentions of a s*x talk (no details); A couple mentions of getting married to have marital relations (no details); A mention of a male teacher some students think is gay, but he actually has a wife; A mention of a sugar daddy (no details); A mention of a strip-search (no details);
*Note: A couple mentions of a girl who looks “great” in a bikini.

-Samantha McGregor, age 16
1st person P.O.V. of Sam
242 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star
Early High School Teens- Two Stars
Older High School Teens- Three Stars (and a half)
My personal Rating- Three Stars (and a half)
{Add ½ to a full star for girls in Public School.}
Like nearly every other teen book written by Melody Carlson, I loved this series when I was a new teen & first read “Bad Connection”. Not completely sure why, as this series (like most of her others) deals with some heavy topics, but nevertheless, I loved this series. Lots of Spiritual Content (which is very refreshing) and a great lead into the next book of the series. :)

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.