A review by ncrabb
The Ice House by Minette Walters


Mostly meh with an occasional spark that ever-so-temporarily held my interest.

The three women live alone in the isolated house in the small English village. Villagers are sure they are either witches or lesbians, and most believe they are both. Never mind that neither is the case. The house belongs to Phoebe Maybury, but her two friends live there with her, and their adult children moved out before the book opens.

A neighbor finds a decomposed and ravaged body in a seldom used ice house on the property, and once again, Phoebe is the main suspect. I say once again because the cops were sure she murdered her husband 10years earlier. She insisted that he just left on his own.

I thought the author portrayed the cops in a largely unflattering way, and the three women were odd and rather off-putting for me. I didn’t much care for the NLS narration, although that’s the one I mostly used. The one I tried from my public library wasn’t any better. In fact, it was worse.