A review by amybibliophile
The Holiday by T.M. Logan


Four lifelong friends since university are meeting up on a holiday all together along with husbands and children for a week in France.

Main protagonist Kate, finds herself in a difficult position when she finds some ominous texts on her husbands phone not long after they arrive from a woman with the alias name "CoralGirl".
Her life is turned upside down in a matter of moments when she realises her loving husband and father to two children, Sean, is having an affair - with one of her three university friends...
Each of the ladies have very differing personalities but all have some tie to Sean, which pushes Kate spend the holiday investigating into the identity of "CoralGirl" and save her family unit.

Rowan is the most successful of them all, being the organiser of the holiday to start with, she runs a multimillion pound business and is set to be even more successful through a pending business deal. All she has to do is keep her record squeaky clean, but it becomes difficult when husband Russ suspects her of having an affair.

Jennifer's sole purpose in life is to be a mother. Her two mischievous and problematic sons, Ethan & Jake are more than a handful, but in her eyes her babies can do no wrong. Jennifer and Sean have a past and dated when the four of them were in university together, soon after Sean left Jennifer for Kate. Could this be enough of a motive to wrong Kate for what she did all of those years ago?

Izzy is a straight talking singleton that has been travelling the world for 15 years after the shocking death of her fiancé. A death that Kate is responsible for. She also has a direct connection to Sean having grown up on the same street in Ireland. Upon her arrival to the Villa, Izzy confesses she has finally met somebody after all these years, however things are complicated and the love-interest isn't strictly speaking 'single'.

With all of this floating around her mind, Kate wants to get to the bottom of which of her best friends has betrayed her, but things aren't as simple as they seem and it becomes a torturous investigation into what could possibly be going on right under her nose.

I found this book to be a ferocious ride of twists and turns, I had many theories on what was truly happening inside the villa, all turned out to be wrong. T. M. Logan is a master at deception and a genius writer. An absolute five star mystery read.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an eARC.