A review by bookishblasian
Arsen: A Broken Love Story by Mackenzie Cartwright, Roger Wayne, Mia Asher


There's honestly no other way to say it except THIS BOOK RUINED ME! Honestly, it started out kind of slow, but it came me interested. By the middle of the book, I couldn't stop reading. Except, I did. Recently I've been reading books in a day and it took me 6 to finish this one. I think it's because of the havoc it wrecked on my emotions. Cheating is one of those things that hits very close to home for me. So as I read this, I just hated Cathy more and more (btw, hated the name Cathy. Cathy does not sound like a hoe who cheats on her hubby lol). As much as I hated the things this book did to my emotions, I seriously couldn't stop reading. It was like the car crash you couldn't stop looking it. I didn't get completely ruined until the end though. Like.. I'm so done. This book has forever ruined me. I will probably never stop thinking about it. I'm going to make every single one of my friends read it. I can't believe a book has bought out this kind of emotion in me. It's one of the many things I love and hate about books. I will probably spend the rest of my day thinking about these fictional characters and their lives, so thank you Mia Asher lol. I certainly did not enjoy the whole book, but as someone else said on here "it made me feel" the whole time so that is why I loved it. Who knew a book could bring out such strong emotions from me?