A review by jmsv45
Escape from Eden by Elisa Nader


Writer Person

At some point, you get in a funk. Where no matter what you read, it's all the same and you trudge slowly through pages of a book.

So. Very. Slowly.

And I've been feeling a lot like that lately. It's like I want to read, but then I think about how much I have to do and somehow I end up doing nothing. At all.

What's my point here? My point here is that sometimes trudging through a book leads to disappointment. And other times you're glad you took the chance.
This is not to say that this book is boring or anything. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Example? The way the instalust was introduced. Yup, you read that right. It was instalust. Mild at first, but it gets there. Mia herself admits that she doesn't even know the guy, so why should she feel that way about him?

I love her for that.Getting into her character really wasn't all that difficult to do. Gabriel wasn't a problem either. He was an emotional roller coaster for me. But I like that. Keeps me interested. And while Gabriel is your classic tortured soul turned bad boy, I found myself not minding.

Again, why?

I was impressed by Nader's ability to shock me. Me. If you've read any of my reviews, you've probably seen that I'm not easily shocked. Really, I'm not. I'm a writer at heart and no matter how sucked into the book I am, I find myself wondering what sort of plot twists I would do and what do you know? I'm not very original, you guys. That's why I'm so good at figuring out the ending.

I literally didn't see some of this stuff coming until I got slapped in the face with it. You have no idea how much that impressed me.

That being said, I had no idea what to expect from the ending. I don't think I expected anything in particular, just observed what Nader was doing. And I think she tied everything up very nicely. While some could argue that it's open-ended, I think it's pretty obvious. Sure, the specifics aren't all planned out. But it's the same idea.

Overall, I enjoyed it. It had a fast pace and Mia was a great narrator. I will say something else that surprised me (excuse me while I rant. I will try not to spoil anything), though.

What kind of sick twisted people are these? Nothing is more irritating to me than people who use God as their justification for doing awful things. Okay, I lied. The only thing more irritating than that is the people who accept it. Religion isn't really the issue here, but this corruption was certainly present.

And this was all manifested in violence, gore, and some other stuff I won't mention. But although I did see that unmentionable thing a bit before it happened, I was shocked by the bluntness. Not that it was addressed bluntly, but the fact that it was there at all. Blunt.

And now I am all out of questions. So read the book and ask your own! If you're as excitable as I am, you might find yourself screaming at all the horrible awful people.

Just saying.

Rating: 4 stars

Recommendation: I would call this an isolated dystopian. Not much of the outside world is revealed. So if that sounds appealing, go for it. It's much better than The Village (movie reference). Also, if you happen to like ranting about the psychotic people, or enjoy cocky guys (there's no love triangle, yay haha), or just want a bit more adventure and danger in your life... Go for it. It's good