A review by ameserole
The Memory of Souls by Jenn Lyons


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Please tell me that we get another book after this? PLEASE!

Just like the previous books, The Memory of Souls was addicting to read. Of course I'm constantly confused by every little thing that comes my way in this series but I still end up loving each book. This probably sounds beyond weird.. but it works. For me.

Without trying to spoil anything about this book, just know that you will be confused. It's bound to happen really but with this book you just will be. There's just so much going on and no one is really just themselves. Not sure if that makes sense.. but I never said that this book will be either.

In it, you will get to know Kihrin, Janel and Teraeth a bit more. We get to explore so many things with these three that I was entertained the entire time. They made this a page turner for me. I mean, everything else did too because this book was just that good.

Just as we dove into relationships, we got to learn about what worked and what didn't. Again, so much went on that you might get whiplash. This book dove into so many things but it ended up flowing pretty well.

In the end, I seriously need another book. Please be amazing as well!