A review by beachybookstack
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton


After half-reading this a couple years back, I picked it up again to give it another whirl per my friend's recommendation for fluff. Everyone needs a good trash read once in awhile. Yet, somehow this was not quite what I thought it was. It was mostly descriptions of open shirted guys and Phillip being insecure when Anita isn't into his flirtations. No real tension etc. Just Anita calling bullshit and loving penguins. Reminds me a bit of Charley Davidson but not as sassy and addicted to coffee. Charley is my favorite though soooooo.

Some action, lots of blood by the end. It is book 1 of a series so it'd probably be worth my time to continue for 2 or 3. Just off that you practically get the romantic interest introduced then removed for 80% of the story. That's not what I signed up form.

Sidenote, beepers and pay phones? What year is it? Had a laugh at that bit.