A review by merveilles
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee


id have rated this lower if i hadnt been in a contemporary mood recently so emery lee you are one lucky fucker
unlikeable main character.... unrealistic plot- not talking about the trans meet cute blog but rather the fact that noahs response to everything that happens with the diary and generally, just in his life, is unbelievable- makes for a... questionable book. and cringeworthy. are we really still using the word 'binch' in 2021?
surprisingly, brian was my favourite character although he got literally like 10 pages of pagetime- which goes to show how unlikeable these characters are. devin was a little too meek for me. and drew can go fuck himself
the ending was nice enough i suppose, albeit predictable
2.5 stars because as i said, im into contemporary right now