A review by _rusalka
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland


Well. Fuck me. Glad that's off my shelf.

I did not have a clue that in the 18th Century that you could publish something so detailed in it's sexual content. Let alone it survive 275 years of being published with all the censorship and prudishness over the years when it comes to sex. Credit where credit is due, and I will view those Georgians slightly differently from now on.

But oh my god. If you would like male centered porn from a female POV set in the 18C, then this is for you. There is no plot really. The sex, which there is a lot, is very meh. Also then there is the sexual assault, coercion, attempted rape, non-consensual voyeurism, rape, homophobia, etc.

The red flags in this book in 2023 are astounding, and so much so I will be chucking my copy into the bin instead of a little library as there is no way I want any neighbourhood kids picking this up and thinking this is okay. It's not, and any titillation you may feel from it (and I admit there are a couple of hot consensual pages) is DEEPLY overshadowed by the problems.
And by problems I mean rapey-ness.