A review by the_coycaterpillar_reads
The Children God Forgot by Graham Masterton


Okay so apparently I am most definetly in the minority with my thoughts on this review but I've had to DNF at Chapter 6.

There were so many things that I found problematic about this book that I just had to put it down for my own sanity.

I felt there was a lot of internalised racism that kept coming to the fore. I know, I know, bare with me a moment.

The typical white english doctor who kept mispronouncing the Nigerian patient's name. He made no attempt to ask how it was pronounced and the patient obviously had this over and over again from being in the UK.

Too much mysgony. Women being described in extremely sexual ways. It's not the blinking 80's!
One interaction between one of the police officers and another just smelt of homophobia. She turns him down when trying to ask her out, and he takes the hump as she "turns out to be the L in LGTBQ".

The Nigerian dialogue felt guessed at and a little bit insulting.

Oh yes and the classic quote "that vaping makes you smell like a poof." If its in the characterisation and it adds something to the storyline then okay but this just felt way too much and that was only in the first 6 chapters.