A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Girl In Between by Laekan Zea Kemp


The nice thing about getting a bookbub, is the daily updates with e-book deals. Because that's how I discovered this book. I just had to have it. The idea sounded intriguing and interesting and I really wanted to see for myself how the execution would be. So, as soon as I could I started reading and I didn't regret it for one second.

The main reason? Because Kemp really managed to capture what it is to live with a chronic illness. Of course, Bryn deals with a total different illness, but there are some universal things, things we all recognize, things happening to all of us. When I read about Bryn trying to live a normal life, even though her life is far from normal, and when I read about her friendships and relationships I recognized a piece of my life.

I also like how the medical part was handled. In a lot of books you see that the hospitals and doctors are totally absent and although I only see mine once a year I think cutting them out of a story completely is not always realistic. In this case Bryn meets with her doctors frequently, they show true interest in her situation and try to help her as best as they can. They're present and there. And although Bryn doesn't like them, she knows she has to deal with them.

And then, last but not least, there's the plot. Although it's not that unpredictable, it's still fascinating and really well done and executed. I love how the relationship between Bryn and Roman grows and develops and I love how they slowly start to piece all the pieces of the puzzle together. It's teamwork and it's easy to see what they see in each other and why they like each other and want to give whatever they have a try.

I really can't wait to see what's gonna happen in the next book. I already bought the omnibus and will read the other three books as soon as I can!