A review by m_woods
Winter by Marissa Meyer


5 Stars

This finale to The Lunar Chronicles was incredible. I often find that finales can make or break the series for me. I heard a lot of positive reviews on Winter, but an 800+ page conclusion to a series that I grew to love kind of intimated me. What if they ruined the characters? What if the pacing wasn’t right? Etc. Etc. Apparently, however, I needn’t have worried because Marissa Meyer is a character and story-pacing genius! It was fast-paced (especially for such a long book!), intense, and exciting. It had a bit of a different feel than the previous three books if only because the setting moved to Luna – but it still felt very cohesive with the rest of the series.

I loved this conclusion so much, and I really don’t want to say goodbye to this world and the characters that I have grown to love.

Thank goodness for the Stars Above novella which I need to get my hands on ASAP. Epilogue time!
May the series never truly end.


“Broken isn’t the same as unfixable.”