A review by susanthebookbag
The Kew Gardens Girls by Posy Lovell


To be honest, I haven't really read many books based on WWI, I find myself reading more about WWII. The Kew Gardens Girls gave me an insightful look at an important time and place in London during the war. Based on true events the Gardens brought together a group of people working together to maintain the flowers and vegetables, while also nurturing a strong family bond among the strangers who found themselves working on the grounds. It was a time of great stress for everyone, but they were there for each other.

There are many wonderful characters and relationships in this story and I found myself transported to the place and found myself among people I came to care about. The Kew Gardens Girls will be a story that I will think about long after I close the book. I highly recommend it for all readers of historical fiction for a glance at an important part of the past.