A review by marilynw
Nine Last Days on Planet Earth by Daryl Gregory


Short story:  Nine Last Days on Planet Earth by Daryl Gregory, cover art by Keith Negley

Nine Last Days on Planet Earth gave me a lot to think about as we start the story in a day in the life of ten year old LT. Earth is experiencing a massive meteor storm, the earth being bombarded with countless hard shelled objects that crack on impact, releasing seeds, plant seeds. Over eight more days in the long life of LT, we see how this meteor storm changes everything on the planet and how the planet changes to deal with the introduction of new life forms. The story makes clear how short our time is on this earth, how these changes will keep happening and have always happened, before we were here and long after we are gone. And what I also got from this story were the changes in LT, from an innocent, curious ten year old, to a very angry, but still curious man, to a man close to his personal end, at peace, knowing he's fostered that curiosity in what is happening, to those who have come after him. LT, humans, may not be here for the end of the story, we aren't even a very big part of the story. 

I love the cover art for this story!


Published September 19th 2018