A review by authorkmg
Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy


from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

I really wanted to love this one because I loved Colin and Jen from Fable and Drew's story but the Colin and Jen I met in there didn't show up!

Jen has had it tough. Her brother died and her family went to shit. She was put into a position that no one should be in. I really would have liked to have seen this explored more. Maybe its the masochist in me, but I felt like the potential in this part of the story line to dig deep and get ugly was there. It really would have given a depth to the story that I think was missing. It would have balanced the drama and there is a LOT of drama. My problem with Jen is that she's constantly threatening to do something and then kind of waiting around to see if Colin will take the bait and when he doesn't, she's devastated and then does something stupid. It's annoying. Where is the strong Jen?

There is so much will they/won't they that after a while I began to wonder if I cared which I hated! I love this author and I love the world and characters she has created so it really bothers me how let down I was with 3BP.

Colin totally fell flat too. He's 24 which was surprising to me for some reason. Before 3BP I was read him as older. Maybe it was his commanding and authoritative presence. Makes sense considering he owns a restaurant business. The Colin however was very wishy-washy. He was weak willed and fickle and it was in direct conflict with everything that I had learned about him previously. Then I kind of got why he was 24...he was pretty immature. I get why Jen would be indebted to him. He's taken care of her, he's supported her, he's a family friend, blah blah blah but beyond that he just wasn't attractive. At least to me. What a bummer.

I gave it 3 stars because this book does have plenty of potential and while I really felt let down, it does fast forward the world a little bit. We see the other characters and get to check in with them and see what's up with everyone. So question time. Do I recommend this? Eh, it's up to you. It's kind of a take it or leave it. I'm sure some peeps are gonna love it, but I think some die-hards are going to be disappointed. Does this put me off Monica? Uh, no. No way in hell. I think she's incredibly talented and maybe this book and it's characters just didn't jive with me. (I mean I just used the word jive sooooo make you're own judgement calls about my judgement calls hahaha!). Will I continue with this series? Yes! I really want to see what's up with Fable's Lil Bro! So take my opinion for what it is...my opinion and go from there!

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review!*