A review by lilyelisabeth511
Soft Flannel Hank by Eliza MacArthur


"Hank’s grown love was liquid, thick and viscous. His feelings, deep and raw and frighteningly big, moved around within his brain and couldn’t have been separated from his body for as long as he drew breath into his lungs. And like a liquid, his love was shaped entirely by its container which, at the moment, was the rapidly beating confines of his heart."

This is for the Twilight girlies who grew up to realize that Charlie is the real prize. This is for the girlies who watch Stranger Things and lust after Hopper instead of Steve or Jonathan. It's me. I'm the girlie.

What a masterpiece of a debut this was. I loved everything about this book and it is now a comfort, cozy read for me and I honestly just want to reread it immediately. It was so so good. It takes place in WA, and honestly just gave me so many of the vibes I love. The cozy PNW vibes, the flannel vibes, the densely packed forests vibes, the hot coffee, fuzzy socks and rainy night vibes. & then add in the paranormal vibes with witches, vampires, wolves, shifters, selkies and I am a happy happy lady.

The story follows Hank, a 45 year old ex-cop, divorcee who is trying therapy for the first time and just trying to get through every day. He's a man who has been broken by life over and over again and he's become a ghost in his own house. He's haunted by the memories of his first love who packed up her and their daughter and left, without ever looking back. He's haunted by the memories of his parents dying unexpectedly and he's haunted by his career as a cop. A career he wanted because Hank loves to take care of people and a career he ultimately left because he could not accept the things that went on around him. He's just going through the motions and barely living when he meets Esther.

Esther is a 35 year old witch (who also has an art degree) and has been on the run for almost a year, trying to escape a group of vengeful vampires. She arrives in Hank's quiet town of Worlds End, just trying to find a safe place to start over. Esther has felt alone for as long as she can remember and being on the run has only made those feelings worse. She just wants to settle and simply, be.

When Hank and Esther meet at the town diner and are immediately drawn to each other, they both know their lives will never be the same. Unable to deny their connection and mutual attraction, the two share an unforgettable night. Promises are made. Hopes are born. But Esther has secrets and Hank is slow to trust. The world around them doesn't make it easy for them to love, but they're determined to try, even if at times it seems impossible.

The side characters are all so amazing and I want to know all about their stories. I NEED a Nat and Niamh story. Like WHAT is their history?? Who are they to each other?? What does their future hold?? And let me tell how I screamed when I learned the next book in the series is Jory and Callum. Oof. THOSE TWO.