A review by sisteray
Finder Library Volume 1 by Carla Speed McNeil


I just couldn't take it anymore. This book, for all the high concept, outlandish scenarios, weirdo sci-fi elements, freakish characters and embrace of the bizarre, this is just flat out boring. Dull as rocks. There is story to be had, but the pace is glacial, and finding out what is happening or going to happen feels like a chore.

It is just page after page of seemingly random shenanigans mixed with flaccid domestic conversations. For as much parlor talk that the book has, I never felt that I ever really got the characters, despite several conversations giving us a barrage of pertinent exposition on what various characters were supposed to be like. Everyone was just remarkably uninteresting to me.

To top that off the storytelling is really disjointed, but not such that it lead to suspense, or intrigue, or yielded any curiosity. No, it just comes across as confusing.

Then there is page after page of useless script that overwhelms each frame. I admit, this is likely my thing, but if the words are there I read them, so all the written background conversations, all the signs and posters, all the lyrics to the music playing, everything is read and it is exhausting when you start to sum up how little content is in the totality of all the words included in this book.

I made it halfway through the first story (which is really quite long). Then I skipped ahead and almost finished the second story, but realized it just wasn't worth it any more.

The only reason why I gave it two stars is that the art can be very good.