A review by clowdywings
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


5 stars

"She was 36.28 percent not human." (1)
"She could be anyone." (2)
"She was not worth fighting a war over." (3)
"She had to get away. And she knew just how she was going to do it." (4)


Cinder is a sci-fi/fantasy retelling of the classic fairy tale "Cinderella." It takes a commonly known story, adding unique elements and making the old story new again. The characters got a major revamp and exhibit elements that show the novelty of each one. Features and scenes from the original story show up but not quite in the ways you would think they would.


" 'Yeah,' she said, 'Extreme danger. I heard you.' " (5)

Cinder is both the title and the protagonist of the book. She is a skilled mechanic, along with being an adopted orphan who is mistreated by her stepmother and step-sister.

Her voice is featured in the book to be strong, confident, and enduring. Marissa Meyers writes in a flowing straightforward way that introduce readers into her world slowly but steadily. The first paragraph of the book is a great introduction to this new era that is full of action, technology, and humor.


"It's just... you're easy to talk to." (6)
"Take it, he said... "And think of me." (7)
"Would you consider being my personal guest at the ball?" (8)

Kai is New Bejing's Prince. He is smart, thoughtful, and charming. He does not force Cinder into anything, which is a major boost in my eyes. Kai goes through a lot in the book, but stays brave even through hard times.

Cinder and Kai's relationship starts off sweetly but with untold important information. Cinder is lying to the prince, which leads to a disastrous turn for not only the two of them but his country too.


"I am saying you MUST escape." (9)

The stepmother and one of the step sisters were very similar to the original story, being cruel and verbally and emotionally abusive to Cinder. The other step-sister, Peony, is a kind sister who disapproves of her mother and sister's actions. She is madly in love with Prince Kai, which makes her want to go to the Royal ball. But disaster rages in the family, sparking more hatred towards Cinder.

Cinder dreams of a time where she could go to the ball and maybe dance with the prince, but she knows that her stepmother will not let her go.


Overall, I really enjoyed rereading this book again. I was able to find new elements of the classic tale this time through. Along with everything I have mentioned, I have noted that the biochemistry and science included in this book is very close or completely correct.

Quote Locations:
1- page 82
2- page 387
3- page 368
4- page 131
5- page 180
6- page 228
7- page 297
8- page 164
9- page 328