A review by karlijnmerle
Le Cœur en balance by Marie Sexton


What can I say? I'm so glad Susan tipped me this book. Holy hell, this was a beautiful story!

From the moment I started I was hooked!

- Levi. From the beginning it was obvious that he had so much feelings, but tried to 'silenced' them with sex and his job. But it was so much more. He was hurt. Hurt from the past, but also hurting from the present day. Through the story you see him growing, feeling and loving.

- Jaime. When I read about his OCD, it was like I saw myself. His obsessions are similar to mine and although the reason is different, the actions are the same. So I was immediately drawn to him.

- The more I read about them, the more I loved them. Their banter is hilarious.

- The way Levi does everything slow for Jaime. He respect Jaime and that is beautiful to see (and read).

- How Jaime slowly learns to accepts his fears.

“He'd tried so hard to fight his fear, but there was a something liberating about giving up the battle and recognizing his fear was part of him. It wasn't something to be exorcised. It wasn't something to be obeyed. It needed only to be acknowledged.”

- Levi's family. I didn't know much about mormons. I knew their believes, but that was it. This story have learned me a lot. I don't believe in anything, but it was nice to learn more. Although I don't agree with all their believes, it was nice to see how they were a family.
their firm believes about homosexuality makes me so angry. I don't agree with it and will never do agree with it. You can't deny your sexuality! That is ridiculous. Love is Love. And I don't care if that is with a woman or a man. When someone is happy, let them be happy.

“I think you want very much to make this black and white--to make us all out to be sinners or saints. But it's just not that simple. I think what you need to accept is that, just maybe, we're all something else. Maybe we're all something in between.”

-The end was beautiful to read, but it wasn't enough for me. I need more, so much more!