A review by exurbanis
De dood van een admiraal by John Rhode, Clemence Dane, Dorothy L. Sayers, Anthony Berkeley, Agatha Christie, The Detection Club, Ronald Knox, G. D. H. Cole, G.K. Chesterton, Henry Wade, Edgar Jepson, Milward Kennedy, Margaret Cole, Victor L. Whitechurch, Freeman Wills Crofts


3.5 stars

Published in 1931, this "serial novel" was written, a chapter each, by the members of the Detection Club. Interesting now more for the style and plotting of each individual author (eg Ronald Knox of "Ten Rules of Detective Fiction" fame collecting, listing & organizing all of the data from all the preceding writers at about the halfway point of the book, but not advancing the plot in any substantial way).

This type of book is almost impossible to pull off successfully. The Detection Club does as well as any group of authors might have.