A review by cobycoyle
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


I found this book much better by the original Twilight by a landslide. The original Twilight didn't give Bella much depth, but I find that seeing her from Edward's point of view gave her some. Seeing that she did have a personality- kind, selfless, etc. In Twilight you don't see any of that. She also seems more humorous when from Edward's point of view. We get things in this book that we didn't get to see in Twilight- like when Edward is asking her tons of questions about her favorite books, movies, etc. I don't remember reading Bella giving him many answers, what I remember is "Edward continued drilling questions as we..." or what have you. Hearing her answers and reasoning, I feel that I liked her a little more (becacuse I definitely wasn't a fan of her character in Twilight, and that only got 10000x worse with New Moon and 1000000000x worse with Eclipse.)

Yes, Edward is a creep. Yes, he stalks her. No, I don't condone this. If this happened in real life, I'd be appalled.
(So why am I always rooting for him? Must be the nostalgia of my "Twilight phase" in middle school.)
Seeing the process of trying to hunt James and the process of trying to get to Bella in time in the end was super interesting too, and I found myself enthralled by the fast cars and cover ups (no matter how unrealistic lol.)

I was also super pleased to be privy to the mental dialogue that happens between Edward and the rest of the Cullens, and it made me like Jasper and Emmett a ton more. It was really interesting to see Jasper's power more closely. And Alice and her backstory! I wish we had books for them.
(I could give less than a shit about Rosalie, I have empathy for what happened to her but I can't help but hate her character.)

Overall, I know this is a cringey series. I can't help but have a huge soft spot in my heart for it though, and Midnight Sun expanded it further, and now I'm sad I don't have more.