A review by mickeymickey
Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw



What happens to a person when you take away their memories? This book explores that question in a very dark way, a lot darker than I had been expecting. It really delves deep into how losing a part of yourself can drive you mad and yet getting the memories back might make you even madder.

The book wasn’t without some faults, especially the beginning setup of the world felt a little vague and clunky. And there were a fair amount of leeway with realism as they traverse huge parts of the land without seemingly eating for weeks, letting incredibly injured wounds go untreated, as well as the king being so personally involved (I imagine it was a very small kingdom?). But the second half made up for it and especially the ending.

The first half of the book is from Sorilla’s point of view and there you can see the twisted self hatred she carries due to being misused and abused ever since she was a child. The second half is from the point of view of Falon, a man who is desperate to gain back pieces of himself that were taken away. It was a bit of a jarring switch at first especially since it went from third person to first but eventually I got used to it again.

I think overall the book made a big impression on me despite its faults. It’s very different from what I normally read and I am glad to have read it. I will continue through to the second book to see how it all concludes.