A review by thecopycait
The Study of Animal Languages by Lindsay Stern


Thank you, Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Viking for the ARC!

Shoutout to my home state of Rhode Island! I loved the actual info on animal languages, how animals communicate. I liked that the resolution felt realistic.

But overall I struggled with this. It was uneven. There were times where something intense happened and I couldn’t read fast enough for about ten pages. But more often it was slow, dense, and/or wordy. I don’t usually have a problem with big words in a book (I usually learn something!) but the big words used here were...I don’t know if they were supposed to show how some of the characters struggled to relate to others? It just didn’t work for me—it made it harder to read and didn’t serve the story enough to outweigh the struggle in reading it. The book also sometimes got too deep into the weeds of science or academia or other complicated things, without serving the story or the reader’s experience.