A review by melissapalmer404
Sweet Forgiveness by Lori Nelson Spielman


Book #82 Read in 2015
Sweet Forgiveness by Lori Nelson Spielman

I loved this author's book The Life List so I jumped at the chance to get this one to review. It did not disappoint. Hannah is a successful talk show host. She receives a "forgiveness stone" from the girl who tormented her in school. If she forgives the bully, she should send the stone back with a letter. She should also give a forgiveness stone to someone she needs to atone to. This makes Hannah take stock of her life and her relationships, namely with her mother. But at what cost?

Well written, this novel has complex characters and an interesting storyline. This author's writing style is light to read but has great emotional depth. She is quickly become one of my must-read authors. I received a copy of this book from the Amazon Vine program in exchange for a honest review.
