A review by jennybeastie
The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan


I don't know why I have such disdain for recent YA attempts at voodoo novels, but boy howdy, this is not the one to change my mind.

1) The small town in Louisiana has a high wall around the entire town, with a locked gate which you need a key in order to enter. Say what now? Even if you are a young person who has spent their entire lives in Brooklyn, I find it impossible to believe that you would think that was ok/normal. How do people commute outside their community? How do they get supply shipments? Wacky.

2) Eveny is not particularly freaked out at moving across the country on 2 days notice, followed by her aunt bascially completely disappearing from her life. Really?

3) I'm glad Eveny thinks that the other Queen's misuse of power is appalling. I'm appalled that they couldn't come up with something more interesting to do with it than collect fashionable shoes and cars and drink cocktails at lunch.

Just meh. Really, really meh.

Advanced copy provided by Edelweiss.