A review by theeditorreads
Pursued by the Desert Prince by Dani Collins


I read [b:His Mistress with Two Secrets|37768450|His Mistress with Two Secrets (The Sauveterre Siblings #2)|Dani Collins|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1514576843l/37768450._SY75_.jpg|52538720] two years back and it was my first and favourite [a:Dani Collins|6572063|Dani Collins|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1505087522p2/6572063.jpg], even before I knew it was Book Two in The Sauveterre Siblings series. Ever since I've wanted to read the other sibling's stories as well.

The Sauveterre siblings are a set of identical twin brothers and sisters each.
Angelique, Henri, Ramon and Trella—two sets of twins born to a wealthy French tycoon and his Spanish aristocrat wife.

Angelique Sauveterre is a dress designer for Hasna's wedding. She's like me, in that she can work the room but still is an introvert to boot who gets tired after having dealt with too many people. And that's why she's not too thrilled to be entertaining Kasim ibn Nour, Crown Prince of Zhamair, so soon after the bridal party left her office. She wants her twin Trella to be the face of Maison des Jumeaux, their premium fashion house but is patient with her ever since the ordeal the latter faced at a young age.

Kasim is there only because he believes that twenty-four-year-old Angelique is his would-be brother-in-law's mistress, seeing that her exclusive label is making the entire wedding trousseau at no cost. And when she explains the real reason, Kasim is still unwilling to believe her.

Dani Collins always brings something unique to her stories and in this one too, in spite of me not knowing about the culture well enough, I think she represented Kasim and his feelings and thoughts in a very fluid manner. She's my favourite Harlequin author! Also, the way the paparazzi hounds certain people and how a family comes together to support their own is beautifully highlighted here. The Sauveterre family's bond will make anyone jealous. Sigh!

I was so happy when Henri made an appearance here, all the siblings did, but there was the mention of his companion of two years Cinnia, along with her relationship (or not) with Henri. I can't wait to re-read their story again! Also here was, Prince Xavier of Elazar from Book Four: [b:Prince's Son of Scandal|36241597|Prince's Son of Scandal (The Sauveterre Siblings, Book 4)|Dani Collins|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1505429046l/36241597._SY75_.jpg|56465326], playing out a particular scene which is the main reason I love twin stories so much.

The way Kasim and Angelique came together at the end was both sad and sweet, and the epilogue two months down the road was everything I wanted!

P.S. It's only recently that I discovered the background Dani Collins shares on her website about each of her books as well as series. Pursued by the Desert Prince's background/extra read is here.

My review of the books in The Sauveterre Siblings Series is as follows:
Pursued by the Desert Prince
His Mistress with Two Secrets
Bound by the Millionaire's Ring
Prince's Son of Scandal

UPDATE: There is a small glimpse of Kasim and Angelique in Innocent In The Sheikh's Palace.