A review by wildc
Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff


“…{people} think the opposite of perfectionism is failure. It’s not. The opposite is finished.”

You’d be forgiven for feeling a little mislead. Although the title of Jon Acuff’s latest self-help book is “Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done”, if its about anything, this book is fundamentally about Perfectionism.

I suspect the title was chosen because it dovetails nicely with another of his most popular books which is titled “Start”, and, for sure, one of the topics the book covers is how Perfectionism derails us when it comes to finishing something important.

But Finish doesn’t, ahem, finish there when it comes to Perfectionism. Rather it throughly explores all the ways that Perfectionism stops us achieving the things that are important to us.

After reading Finish, I had the feeling that if I met Jon Acuff on a train, we’d spend a lot of time nodding and agreeing about all the ways we sabotage ourselves when it comes to our dreams:
- setting our sights too high
- trying to establish new habits without giving anything else up
- listening to stupid secret rules that our inner critic sets for us
- failing to use hard data to realistically review and analyse our progress and
- forgetting all about the fact that anything we want to achieve is so much more likely to get done if we have fun doing it.

Sound Strategies for Overcoming Perfectionism

Jon has laced the book with great strategies for overcoming Perfectionism in all its forms - taken from his own experience, and the insight he gained from running his 30 Days of Hustle and 90 Days of Business Hustle courses.

(As well as being a New York Times Bestselling author of six books Jon is also a a renowned keynote speaker with a track record in marketing for some really big players - so there’s no doubt he’s had the opportunity to walk his talk.)

Finish rolls a long at a nice clip that keeps you turning the pages. It’s easy to read, funny, yet has some really insightful stuff to say that’s sure to resonate.

If you’ve got even a mild streak of perfectionism in you, you keep leaving your projects incomplete in the drawer or you just plain have a hard time finishing stuff, then this book is for you.

“…developing tolerance for imperfection is the key factor in turning chronic starters into consistent finishers.”

This review originally appeared on https://www.cherryjeffs.com/art-blog/why-jon-acuffs-book-finish-is-really-about-perfectionism