A review by sandywilliams03
Finders Keepers by Linnea Sinclair


UPDATED 3/29/13: Read this book for at least the third time this week (I think I've read it 4-5 times), and I still adore it. I haven't reread my review in a long time, and I kind of agree with my statement about the ending. There was a lot of explaining about the bad guys. They were sitting and talking about it, and I couldn't keep track of the factions, so I skimmed. Despite that, I'd give this a 5 star review now, the book is that awesome and gripping. I'm still trying to decide if this is my favorite Linnea Sinclair book, or if it's ACCIDENTAL GODDESS. Love both of them. Most people's favorites seem to be GAMES OF COMMAND, and while I love that one, too, I'm still more attached to these two.

I'm sure I'll reread this one again within a year or so. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!


I think I found a new author I like! I picked up this book because it's repped by Kristen Nelson, an lit agent whom I like. Sinclair is a sci-fi romance writer. I've been looking for a book like this for a while now - something with a balance of sci-fi and romance. She did that very well.

Basically, the book is about a low-class freighter pilot and a high-class captain. The MC (main character) finds captain guy almost dead. He gets better. They fly around space for a while. Fall in love. Find out a secret. Separate. Get back together. The end.

I gave Finders Keepers 4 stars instead of 5 because the last third of the book had a bit too much sitting around and talking about their predicament. I skimmed a lot of that. Plus, the author used the term "air sprite" WAY too much. Totally got on my nerves. Other than that, it was a very good book, one of those where I couldn't wait to get back to reading it. Finished it in two days.

I'm definitely reading another Linnea Sinclair book.