A review by randikaye
Lethal Intent by Cara C. Putman


Part medical drama, part legal thriller, part romance... Cara Putnam has all the bases covered in her new romantic legal thriller, and I couldn't get enough!

Lethal Intent is the fourth book in the Hidden Justice series, but can be read as a standalone. Though I have not read the books in this series myself, it is my understanding that the primary characters met in a previous books and there were some side characters who were introduced previously as well, but it didn't feel as though I was missing anything relevant to the story at hand.

In this story, we meet Caroline whose life seems to be going quite well. She just started a new job as legal counsel for a research lab and her relationship with Brandon was evolving into something more. But that all changes when things at work seem to be off and people are dying around her. Could it all be related...and how? She finds herself in a race against the clock to figure it all out before anyone else ends up killed.

The suspense in this story was fantastic and had me at the edge of my seat. I suspected the bad guy long before the reveal, but I was still left wondering how it would all play out and what would happen next. There were many twists that I didn't see coming. While I must admit some of the medical speak was over my head and perhaps slowed the pace down just a bit for me, it was needed in the story. I appreciated that Caroline likewise not familiar with the medical field and so as things were explained to her and she made sense of it all, I was likewise gaining understanding as I read too.

I will admit that the relationship between Caroline and Brandon confused me a bit at times. At points I was under the impression that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, whereas at others it felt like it hadn't quite been define yet. Perhaps they were in a courting stage? Either way, I enjoyed their story and chemistry and appreciated the slow buildup that we don't often see in romance novels.

There were a few loose ends that I wished had been tied up in the end, but that also leaves me hopeful that perhaps we will see more from these characters in the future. I certainly hope so anyway! Overall, it was a wonderful story that fans of legal thrillers are sure to appreciate.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own.