A review by stephxsu
Hunger by Michael Grant


If you think Michael Grant couldn’t get better with GONE, the first novel in this six-part series, think again and again and again! HUNGER completely blows the first book out of the water in terms of action, suspense, horror, and intrigue. It includes all the positives of GONE—the multicharacter points of view, the supernatural, the killer kids with superpowers—and adds more exciting components.

One of my favorite aspects of the GONE books is their ability to weave an engaging story from multiple characters’ points of view. This allows readers to understand everyone’s motivations and faults, passions and lapses in judgment, for an ultimately more believable and enjoyable reading experience. With the exception of purposely-made-evil villains, it’s easy to picture these characters as simply frightened teenagers thrown into a nightmarish life, every day trying to balance morality with survival.

Of course, the GONE series would not be such a success were it not for its elaborate and utterly fascinating plot. It is clear on from every chapter that a lot of thought and preparation has gone into this series. Fans of Harry Potter and TV shows like “Lost” will be able to enjoy GONE and HUNGER’s complexity, subplots, supernatural elements, and budding romances. Basically, this series has everything, and each book’s 500+ pages will pass by in an all-too-fast flash that will leave your palms sweating, your heart racing, and your mind hungering for more from this talented author.