A review by savvypmc
The Ritual by Shantel Tessier



(ETA: Upon further reflection, I’ve changed my rating to 2.5 stars. This story managed to capture and keep my attention but I honestly don’t know how or why. The story had so many plot holes and just generally lacked desperately needed substance. Thinking on it, I couldn't honestly tell you any facts about the main female character’s personality—she doesn’t seem to have any hobbies, likes or dislikes except that she doesn’t like not being answered when she asks questions. All I truly know about her is apparently she’s a hot brunette with big breasts, and a flat stomach. That’s about it.)

Three stars because it’s a solid story with serious potential but I am
so sick of reading the word “whimper”.

Pick a different word.
(Mewl. Whine. Moan. Cry.)

Also, these specific lines bothered me:
“The air gets thicker, making it hard to breathe, which just makes my tits bounce when I manage to suck in a deep breath.”
“…her tits start to bounce at her intake of breath…”
“…her big tits bounce while she pants…”

My final complaint—naming every song by title and artist, every time. I would very much prefer to read a description of the music (such as “the bass beats in time with my pulse” or “the speeding tempo makes me feel dizzy”). Giving me a song title tells me nothing about what kind of music is playing, and stopping to even consider having to pause reading to look up the song pulls me so out of the moment, I often stopped and just did not want to continue reading. I hated it.

But overall, I did actually really like the book. Smutty, but with plot. It had a solid setting but some of the characters felt bland.

It felt, to me, like bare bones. Like, it was good, but needed fleshed out. I honestly think it could’ve been expanded into a duo, maybe even a trilogy.

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