A review by amotisse
Terms & Conditions by Robert Glancy


Made me feel; frustrated, pleased, cringed, ashamed, amused, horrified, sad, mad...
All of the above because I enjoyed it!
I loved the layout, titles and footnotes, how we discovered who Frank was with him.

The insight into corporate life is scary, such a shallow world where one seems to sell their soul away daily.
This is relevant, we sign papers and agree to online contracts almost everyday.
His brother Oscar, and wife Alice really are awful. They epitomise all that is wrong with that world, only shells of themselves.

Frustrated because Frank keeps plodding along, just taking it all.
However, I enjoyed being a silent witness to his powerful departure from his empty previous life/self, to begin his simple happy ever after.
I wasn't focused on the revenge theme, more the what goes around comes around idea.

Liked the characters Doug and his rebel brother Malcom.
Appreciated some good similes and metaphors.
Definitely leads to some interesting reflection.*

*Don't forget to read the small print!