A review by fyreprincess
Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti


So my sister and I read the blurb of this book, and we were all like ‘hell yeah, that sounds interesting, we’ll get it’. I started to read it and then I realized that Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld was probably written for my brother’s fourteen year old age group rather than my own seventeen year old age group. Nevertheless, the book actually wasn’t so bad. I mean, the writing was pretty good and the world-building and character-building were pretty good as well. With the situations they were in, I thought that they could’ve been a bit more intense and the characters could’ve used their powers in more ways etc.

I liked the fact that the powers in which these teenagers had were not the commonplace ones such as super strength, and speed etc. However, with these unconventional powers, it meant that the characters couldn’t use their abilities in a wide variety of situations which therefore limited the types of situations in which the group was involved in. On the other hand though, there were a few of the powers which were pretty cool and useful, such as Crash’s, and Flicker’s, and Scam’s and even maybe Anon’s.

I did like the suspense that was built with the back story as to the group’s breakup and such, and I heard that this book was going to be the beginning of a trilogy, so maybe in later books, more history will be revealed.

I felt that the storyline could’ve been a bit more exciting and full on, but with the unconventionality of the group’s powers, such situations couldn’t really have come about. However, the storyline was pretty good for what could’ve been done with it. I enjoyed it, but I would’ve enjoyed it more if it was more action packed and full of things meant for my own age group.