A review by loont
The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams


There's nothing in particular wrong with it. It's just that there's nothing in particular exciting, original, or interesting about it either.

If I had to sum up my review in two sentences, that would be it. But since your still reading I'll go on. Do you know those serial novelists that are constant bestsellers of crime novels and the like, and always have a new book out that reads like a TV show that's been going on for twenty years somehow? Well, this is the fantasy version of that.

Which is to say it's very easy to read, and the characters have just enough to them to be somewhat interesting. The events that follow these characters are just interesting enough to feel like something is happening. And... then it just continues on as such. And keeps continuing on. and on. and more on. And at some point I looked at how much more of the book I had to read and realized I'd almost finished. I was nearly done without anything particularly original, or exciting, or super interesting happening.

In short, I was strung along enough to wonder if it got particularly good at some point. It didn't, it just ended. And it ends with such a feeling of, just time having passed that I can't really recommend this book as being good. I let a month pass after reading it to writing this review, and at first it was hard to even recall what the story was at all. And if you wanted me to name any of the characters, or locations, or most of the events, well I definitely couldn't do that.

In short, if you love passing the time by reading, this isn't a terrible fantasy novel to do it with. But if your looking for anything along the lines of "original", "exciting", or even "memorable" then it's best to steer clear.