A review by rgyger
The Centurion by Ken Gire


The Centurion is a fast paced novel which juxtaposes the life and training of a Roman soldier (Lucius) with that of the burgeoning Christian church through the eyes of Mary Magdalene. The rapid pace comes from Gire's magnificent use of short scenes in order to depict only what is necessary. In the first part of the novel, this serves well to mimic the chaos soon after Jesus' crucifixion.

However, at times these short scenes became too intense, treating the drunken discussions of men as earth-shattering observations and Lucius' training speeches as though they came from Braveheart. The consistently epic tone could be wearing, especially since there were few reprieves.

Like many novels in this vein of fiction, Biblical fiction surrounding the crucifixion, The Centurion is told in omnipresent which allows for various character perspectives. Particularly in the beginning, some of these perspectives were muddled, with few of the secondary characters introduced in any way before they were suddenly acting.

The Centurion does offer some unique content. The writing style is almost cinematic in nature, making it similar in cut scene format to The Passion. As well, the story is told in a historic light, depicting an early church that fully expected the return of Christ in their lifetime. Not everyone will appreciate the make up of this novel, however there are those who will adore it.

I provided an honest review after having received a copy of this book from the publisher.