A review by snchard
Man Who F#&%ed Up Time by John Layman


Silly and fun to look at, even if the plot didn't make total sense (acknowledging that time travel stories rarely, if ever, make total sense). I love alternate reality timestreams, and especially enjoyed the tyrannical Lincoln monarchy. And the dinosaurs. What's the point of having a time machine if you're not going to domesticate dinosaurs? I do have two major qualms that distracted me from focusing on the story and the excellent backgrounds: 1) Is Sean Bennett the only Black person in the world? I looked for any other non-white characters and couldn't find a single one in any of the timescapes. 2) What the heck is going on with Sean's ears? Other characters have (pretty large but otherwise) normal-looking ears. His are like 3/4 normal and then end up bent at right angles at the bottom? Why?