A review by wunder
And So it Goes: Kurt Vonnegut: A Life by Charles J. Shields


I thought about giving this four stars, because it doesn't really try to get inside Kurt's head, but then, all of Vonnegut's books are so autobiographical that it wouldn't have added much. This biography gives you all the context you could want to go along with the inner life in the books. Going over that in detail would have added another hundred or two pages to the bio without much benefit. I'd much rather spend the time re-reading The Sirens of Titan or Slaughterhouse Five, now that I know where they came from.

Warning, this is a sad book in many places. Vonnegut was a sad and damaged person. Perhaps the one weakness in this bio is that it goes through the POW years pretty quickly. Those years never left Vonnegut.