A review by georginap92
In the Light of a Broken Moon: Episode One by Bri Spicer


Thank you to the author for a Gifted eBook. This is episode one of Bri Spicer’s “In The Light On The Broken Moon” debut science fiction novel, and it did not disappoint. This book was released on October 26th, 2020 and episode 2 is upcoming on December 28th, 2020, I cannot wait for episode two!

This episode outlines our key players and main characters; Demya & Aleksan who were meant to be Selena’s knights (first and second respectively) but never managed to have their ceremonies due to their home world being destroyed, and our librarian Selena who is gifted with incredibly powerful magic.

The book starts with an introduction into our main character Demya as she fights in underground circuits to be able to gain enough credits to help her and Selena afford to survive, until she receives a message from Aleksan - who was amongst the dead during the purge of their home world – he is alive and wants her and Selena to come and find him.

There is a lovely flashback that Demya shares of her and Aleksan and I found that very sweet and it then the book delves a little into the relationship between all three main characters, who were involved in a polyamorous relationship before their home world was destroyed, which is quite a unique read for me, most books I read are about couples so a “throuple” is a new interesting read, and I feel that there is a lot of development that can come in the future episodes

I really like the main character Demya, she is easily my favourite at the moment, as she is fiercely protective of her loved ones and will stop at no bound to look after them, including putting herself at risk, and working in the fight clubs to earn the credits which will help her and Selena, which is exactly what is expected of the librarian’s knight. I feel that her character development was the better of the three characters so far, and feel that there is more of a way to go with the other characters

The authors ability to create the setting and describe the different worlds is very good and I was able to envision everything as it was happening, the book had a good flow and I was able to read it in one sitting, the chapters were perfectly spaced for my personal liking and there was no abruptness making it easier to read. I found some similarities to the Shadowhunter’s in this with the way that magic is written into sigils and used that way

My only downside is that I feel the story was already given away in the synopsis, and there were no unexpected plot twists, hopefully I will be proven wrong with future releases. Plus, I want to get to know more about Selena and Aleksan, and the polyamorous relationship.

I would recommend this book to anyone that is interested in science fiction, mixed with magic, mixed with Shadowhunter vibes.
