A review by skttrbrn
The Impossible David Lynch by Todd McGowan


This is an incredible book, or should I say, an incredible tool - for both making sense of Lynch's films and deploying Lacanian theory in a comprehensible way. Although the writing is quite dense, it's by no means a boring book. I took quite a while getting through it, but my pace accelerated as my understanding grew.

On the whole, The Impossible David Lynch is a well written and researched book, drawing from the likes of Adorno, Chion and Zizek, and addressing Marxist and feminist perspectives.

My only complaint, if I could call it one, is that the book was published prior to the release of Inland Empire. I'd love to see an updated edition with an essay on this final film.

If you've ever been perplexed by Lynch's films or are looking to understand Lacan, this is the book you need.