A review by katlikespie
The Universe Is Expanding and So Am I by Carolyn Mackler


*Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC of this book!*

It's been a few months since Virginia Shreves has decided to abandon the Fat Girl Code of Conduct and learn to love herself how she is. Unfortunately, she's fallen out of Like with her boyfriend, her brother is on trial for rape, and her best friend has still not come back from Walla Walla, Washington. Then she meets Sebastian, a super-cute artist who seems to really like Virginia just how she is! But, he comes with some baggage of his own.

*My Notes* I read the first Virginia Shreves book ("The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things" several years ago, and was very excited to return to Virginia's New York and see how she was doing. Unfortunately... the book just isn't as good as the first one. Where Virginia was strong and learning to love herself in the first one, here she is weaker, less appealing and - I'm sorry, but it's true - more annoying. I just didn't love it like I loved the first one.