A review by reemeyer
The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry


Rob and Charley are pretty typical brothers, they fight but are fiercely protective of one another. What’s not typical is the secret they’re keeping: Charley sometimes accidentally reads characters right out of their books. When other fictional characters start showing up, they learn Charley may not be the only “summoner” and race to figure out what’s going on before it’s too late.

I’m a sucker for any book with fictional characters coming into the real world, and I love Dickens, so this shot to the top of my list the first time I heard of it.

It was a little dark for me and slow through the middle (maybe longer than it needed to be?) But how can I resist a story about stories and the power of the written word? Throw in Sherlock Holmes, multiple Darcys, and a Heathcliff with literal glowing eyes and I’m guaranteed to enjoy the ride. The mystery ended up reminding me of a fairly deep cut Star Trek reference, no idea if that was intentional or a coincidence, but it made me smile.