A review by honeyblood
The Beetle by Richard Marsh


So I know that 4 stars is kind of my default rating for things that I liked, but bless this mess. This racist, trying-to-pass-for-heterosexual, problematic mess.

The Beetle is a horror novel that, at the time of its publication, outsold Bram Stoker's [b:Dracula|17245|Dracula|Bram Stoker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1387151694s/17245.jpg|3165724] in 1897. It follows multiple perspectives in a reverse-invasion narrative wherein a giant beetle who can transform into a gender ambiguous human being of oriental origin pursues a London politician for previous wrong-doings.

I loved how engaging and readable this novel was: it was fast-paced and it was actually pretty scary. But let's be honest, it was still an imperialist mess.